Tuam Txhab Xov Xwm
Thawj txoj kev txhawb nqa muaj peev xwm sablaj ntawm Shaanxi pib lub tsheb loj tau tuav
On June 6th, the “First Promotion Elite Capacity Enhancement Conference of Shaanxi Auto Heavy Truck” with the theme of “The Future Has Arrived, Work Together to Win” was successfully held at the 4S store of Shaanxi Heavy Truck Sales Company. Lub hom phiaj ntawm lub rooj sab laj no ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Shebman Tsheb Hnyav Tsheb Galoping ntawm "Tshiab
Nyeem ntxiv - Lub Rau Hli 1,2024, tus sawv cev ntawm Shack tuaj xyuas Chitian tsheb Co., Ltd. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on technical exchanges, industrial cooperation and other aspects, and jointly discussed the possibility of future cooperation. S ...Nyeem ntxiv
- Lub Tsib Hlis 31,2024, peb lub tuam txhab tuaj xyuas Hubei Chengli Group. Tus sawv cev ntawm peb lub tuam txhab tau kawm los ntawm keeb kwm ntawm lub tuam txhab rau cov khoom lag luam tsim los ntawm lub tuam txhab. Qhov no yog ib lub cib fim muaj txiaj ntsig los kawm thiab sib pauv. Tus sprinkler tau ua los ntawm Cheng Lis pawg tau tawm ntawm kev sib sib zog nqus ...Nyeem ntxiv
Shaanxi Jixin Industrial Co., Ltd. Saib Hubei Huaj Lasing Tsheb Chaw Raug Tsheb Co., Ltd. Ltd. LTD
Lub Tsib Hlis 31,2024, Shaanxi Jixin Delegate Jixin Delegation tau mus saib Hubei Huajxing Tsheb Chaw Raug Khoom Co., Ltd. Kev kawm paub txog kev paub. Lub hom phiaj ntawm qhov kev sib ntsib no yog kom nkag siab tob txog qhov kev tsim kho tshiab hauv kev lag luam thiab tshawb hauv kev koom tes muaj peev xwm. Qhov tsom ntawm qhov kev mus ntsib no ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Shirman tau ua tiav cov neeg yuav khoom hauv Asmeskas thiab tau mus txog kev koom tes lub tswv yim
Recently, Shaanxi Automobile Group Co., Ltd. welcomed a group of special guests —— customer representatives from Africa. Cov neeg sawv cev rau cov qhua tuaj noj mov raug caw tuaj xyuas Shaanxi lub Hoobkas tsheb, thiab hais ntau ntawm cov shairman thiab ntau txheej txheem txheej txheem ntawm Shaanxi tsheb, thiab thaum kawg R ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Madagascar cov neeg siv khoom mus xyuas Shaanxi Automobile Hoobkas thiab mus txog Koom Tes Kev Koom Tes
Shaanxi Automobile Group is a leading commercial vehicle manufacturer in China. Recently, a group of major customers from Madagascar visited Shaanxi Automobile Factory. Qhov mus ntsib lub hom phiaj tob tob tob tob tob tob tob tob txog kev sib koom tes thiab txhawb kev koom tes thiab kev sib txuas hauv f ...Nyeem ntxiv - On April 23,2024, the international sales manager Shen Weisong led sales business elite came to cimc shan steam exchange learning, CIMC shan steam is a CIMC shan steam heavy card (Xi'an) vehicle co., LTD., is cimc vehicle (group) co., LTD. Thiab Shaanxi Hnyav Tsheb CO., LTD. Jointly establish...Nyeem ntxiv
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Algerian cov neeg muas zaub tuaj xyuas lub tuam txhab
Nws yav tav su, Mar 28.20234 .one ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom yog los ntawm Algeria. Peb ntawm lawv tau ntsib peb lub tuam txhab - Shaanxi Jixin Industrial Co., Ltd. Lawv tus thawj coj Mr.Rachid, cov kws tshuaj xyuas kev ywj pheej Yachir Bachir thiab Mr. Sami tau mus xyuas Cummins mus xyuas Cummins lub cav Hoobkas, thiab lwm yam ...Nyeem ntxiv -
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Shaanxi pib lub zog tshiab lub teeb tsheb
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